亲爱的客户们 ,请接受本店无法提供任何无理退款服务 下单付款后表示同意本店条规 。
1. 请给予我们30天的工作日处理您的退款程序。Please allow 30 working days for us to proceed your refund .
2. 本店所有商品在可更换的情况下将无法以退款形式处理 ,这意味着退款需符合以下的情况:Please note that no refunds will be made for products that are still available unless you meet below situation :
• 您的商品碰上缺货/已下架情况。Your item(s) out of stock / lack of stock .
4.现货订单将在确认付款后的1-3的工作天内发出 (除非是特别注明预购/预订款式)Ready Stock Orders will be shipped out within 1-3 working days (unless otherwise stated / under BACKORDER ) upon payment verification.
5.预购 款式一般将会预计在截单日期后的3至4星期发货。Backorder items take estimately 3-4 weeks to send out from the date of due date.
不排除因不可预计的情况下例如:运输延期/面料短缺/到货库存不足等等导致延迟到货。Arrival may be delayed due to unforeseen circumstances such as shipment delays / lack of fabric / insufficient stocks arrived etc
如果您的包裹发出后没人签收导致被弹回,我们将会通过Email /电话方式联络您。Customers will be contacted via email / phone call should we receive any bounced parcels bearing their name.
• 重新发出包裹的运费将由顾客负责。如果被退回包裹是因为我们的失误,邮费则由我们负责。Cost for re-delivery will be borne by the customer. Getthelook Emma will bear the cost of re-delivery if it is deemed as an error on our part.